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El Jaral and Las Fuentes are examples of traditional architecture, the settlements of Chinche and Aripe stand out due to their aborigine etchings.

Among the local celebrations, the most outstanding is on the third Sunday in September, it is the one of Our Lady of the Light (Nuestra Señora de la Luz), very crowded and with various acts. Its beginnings date back to 1570, when a shepherd tells an aristocrat lady of Garachico, who was visiting his lands in Malpaís de Isora, of the existence of an image of Our Lady in a cave. Rescued from such a place, it was placed in a temple built for it. An annual pilgrimage called the Festivity of Nobility, visited the temple. The rivalries of the time between both places, caused the pilgrimage to disappear in 1878, although the Festivity survived, this tradition having been saved recently.


Calendar of Popular Festivities in Guía de Isora
February 2nd Our Lady of Candelaria. Alcalá
Third or Fourth weekend in April La Milagrosa. Chiguergue
Third Sunday in May Pilgrimage of San Isidro.
Last Sunday in May San Felipe. Chirche
June 24 – 25th San Juan and Our Lady of Peace. Chío
First and Second week in July Our Lady of Carmen. Vera de Erques
Our Lady of Carmen. Vera de Erques San Juan and Virgin of Carmen. San Juan Beach
August 15th Our Lady of Candelaria. Alcalá
Third Sunday in August San Roque. Chiquergue
First Sunday in September Our Lady of El Rosario and La Milagrosa. Tejina
Second Sunday in September Crafts Fair
Second and third Sunday in September Festivities of Our Lady of the Light and the Christ of the Sweet Death
Third weekend in November Volcano Festivities
Sunday closest to December 13th Santa Lucía. Fonsalía

Among the traditional arts and crafts, the wood works are outstanding.

Cultural Interest Centres

Guía de Isora Municipal Archive

Phone: 922 850 100

Guía de Isora Municipal Public Library

Phone: 922 853 089

Alcalá Cultural Centre

Phone:922 866 908

Chío Cultural Centre

Guía Cultural Centre

Phone:922 851 440

San Juan Beach Cultural Centre

Phone: 922 135 381

Cultural Information Office: Culture Council of the Guildhall of Guía de Isora

Phone: 922 850 100

Auditorium Theatre Cinema

Phone:922 850 100

Cultural Interest Wealth


Chirche y Aripe Settlements

Las Fuentes Settlement

Guía de Isora. Urban Area

For Complete cultural information concerning Tenerife and the Canaries visit www.tenerifeculture.com


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